So here is the question.
Provide a brief introduction outlining what you will cover and teach in your video
Clearly identify, explain, and demonstrate each of the five steps outlined in the unit for singing a new piece of music at sight: (you may use the piece of music from the unit or find your own new piece of music):
Identify key signature
Identify time signature
Find your vocal part
Quickly study rhythm and pitch
Use at least three visual aids/props throughout your video. Visual aids/props might be notes written on poster board or large paper, a printed out musical score or musical score viewed digitally (tablet, laptop, etc.), a piano or other musical instrument that you use to help demonstrate musical components, vocabulary defined on notecards/poster board, etc.
Final video should ideally be between 5-8 minutes, but it should be NO longer than 10 minutes maximum.

Respuesta :

  • In music, sight-reading, also called a prima vista (Italian meaning "at first sight"), is the practice of reading and performing of a piece of song in a music notation that the performer has not seen or learned before. ... Both activities require the musician to play or sing the notated rhythms and pitches.
  • and All classically trained musicians learn to read music, but singers have to be able to turn this into notes without using the physical manipulation of the instrument as a guide. This is a tough skill that takes plenty of practice, but you do not need perfect pitch to accomplish this.  
  • It's an important skill for vocalists to have, as it trains the voice, the ears, and the mind simultaneously. ... Aural skills are the ability to hear a pitch and know exactly what note it is. Sight-singing helps refine these skills so that the vocalists can understand a piece of music without having to hear it first.
  • While an absolute beginner can take up to two years to learn to sight-sing at a high level, a more experienced singer can get there in as little as two months, White says. "They just need a process to be able to apply it."