The head is held high - a person with self-respect and proud of possessing it
Narrow domestic walls - narrow mindedness
Knowledge is free - education is given to all
Depth of truth - sincerity of heart
Mind is without fear - a fearless person
Stretches its arms - aim at perfection
Clear stream of reason - clear thinking
Dead habits - dried up, infertile land of sands
Ever widening thought and action - broadening the outlook and attitude
The given question refers to phrases from the poem Where the Mind is Without Fear written by Rabindranath Tagore, a Bengali poet.
To solve it, we need to look at the poem because, otherwise, we wouldn't be able to understand how some of the phrases are connected. For example, we can connect dead habits and dried up, infertile land of sands by looking at the line Into the dreary desert sand of dead habit. The same goes for stretches it arms and aim at perfection (Where tireless striving stretches its arms towards perfection). In this form, these phrases aren't related in any way outside of the poem.