Using the second ten letters of the Alphabet (J to Q) write five words and the translation for each word starting with the letter J and finishing with Q

Respuesta :


Jardín (garden)

juez (judge)

jurado (jury)

justicia (justice)

joroba (hump)

Luna (moon)

lento (slow)

lavadora (washer)

linón (lemon)

licuadora (blender)

Motor (engine)

madre (mother)

milagro (miracle)

mudanza (moving)

martillo (hammer)

Nube (cloud)

nave (ship)

nariz (nose)

nota (note)

ninguno (none)

Ola (wave)

oso (bear)

ojo (eye)

oseo (osseus)

obeso (fat)

Plato  (dish)

padre (father)

pecado (sin)

pescado (fish)

perro (dog)

Querido (dear)

quemazón (burning)

química (chemistry)

que (what)

querer (to want)