Pretend you have just seen an interesting job posting online. You happen to have a friend who works for that same company. Compose a brief email or letter to your friend to see if you can find out more information about the job that is available. Focus on the content of the letter and remember to use the writing process as you compose your email/letter. After you have completed the email/letter, explain how you went through each step of the writing process in one paragraph.

Respuesta :


I was recently online looking at jobs, went I came across a well paying, beautiful working environment, and nice co-workers job. Afterward I realized that not only is this the job for me, but I realized that I knew someone with the same job... you. I was wondering if you could not only explain the job, but if you could also explain working conditions, co-workers, the boss, and benefits.

thank you for your time
A friend

I came up with this after going though almost the same thing with my first job. Hope this helps