Europeans reduced freedom and forced colonized people to work for little to no wages.
In order to obtain their economic interest from the colonized territory, European countries need to achieve a couple of things:
- They need to find a way to exploit the resources in that area with relatively low cost.
- They need to find a way to use local people into their labor force.
- They need to find a way to make the local communicate with them.
In order to achieve this, European countries tend to use their military's force to make the people conform to their rules. They force the local people to sign an agreement that make them hand over their resources with a really cheap price and force their people into labor camps. Those who refuse this will received some sort of punishment from the Europeans.
On top of that. European nations also develop a habit to force the natives to abandon their language/culture and make them learn their colonizer's language. This way, it is easier for the Europeans to control them or delivers threats.