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It is fair because the countries that have the means are obliged to take measures first, but it is unfair that the rest of the countries won't contribute to it and will continue to work in the same manner.
The Kyoto Protocol has been put in place so that the world starts to gradually turn a page and stop having a negative effect on the environment. This is a great protocol indeed, but there have been some disagreements around it, with the main one being that only the developed countries are obliged to lead the way and develop technologies that will result in the final goal, while the rest of the countries can function in the same manner in meantime.
On one side this is unfair, while on another side it is fair. The unfair part is that huge amounts of finances will need to be invested only by some countries in order to develop such technologies, while they also have a very big risk of hindering their economic progress. In meantime, all of the other countries will continue to pollute extensively and develop their economies without any problem. The fair part is that it is only these countries that are capable of producing such technologies, but also because they are the ones that have caused the most pollution and damage to the environment through the process of their development.