The action and reaction law allows us to find that the reaction force, the weight of the cylinder, is:
- 12 N force directed upward
Newton's third law or action and reaction law, establishes that if two bodies interact with each other the force that one applies to the other, is equal in magnitude to the force of the second on the first but in the opposite direction, that is, all forces act in pairs one in each body that interact.
Forces with these characteristics are called action and reaction.
In this case we have a hanging cylinder, with the cylinder it has mass so the weight is 12 N it acts on the table in a downward direction, let's say this is the action force.
In response to this force, the table exerts a force on the cylinder of equal magnitude but in the opposite direction, which is why it is directed upwards.
let's analyze the force diagram
- When analyzing the forces shown in the diagram, the forces of equal magnitude to the weight are the first two
- The weight is directed downward, the answer must be directed upward.
In conclusion using theaction and reaction law we find that the answer for reaction force is:
- 12 N force directed upward
Learn more about the action and reaction law here: