Respuesta :
A pump fake (also called a shot fake) is a feigned attempt at a jump shot, restrained before the feet leave the ground. The pump fake is a fundamental move in basketball, used to cause defenders to jump (known in basketball slang as "lifting" the defender) or be shifted off-balance.
A rebound is a shot that misses, but you get another shot at it, because it rebounds back to you.
Traveling is when you carry the ball and walk while holding it, without dribbling.
A field goal is a basket scored on any shot or tap other than a free throw, worth two or three points depending on the distance of the attempt from the basket.
The baseline is the boundary at the end of both sides of the court and is the out of bounds line behind each basket. It extends from sideline to sideline. The line is 4 feet behind the backboard and its length is the same as the width of the court which is normally 50 feet
A charging is a foul that occurs when an offensive player makes significant contact with a defensive player who has established their position with both feet on the ground and their torso square facing the opponent. ... This also applies when a player is mid-air, taking a shot, and the defender then slides in front.
A layup is a shot near the basket, usually off the backboard. For a layup, you run towards one side of the basket, jump, and lay the ball off the backboard into the hoop.
A throw in, also known as an inbound pass, is a method of putting the ball into play in a basketball game. ... Then, the player taking the throw in has five seconds to pass the ball to a teammate who is in-bounds or the ball will be turned-over to the other team.
A dribble is movement of the ball, caused by a player in control, who throws or taps the. ball to the floor. a. The dribble ends when the dribbler: Touches the ball simultaneously with both hands.
A fast break is an offensive strategy in basketball and handball. In a fast break, a team attempts to move the ball up court and into scoring position as quickly as possible, so that the defense is outnumbered and does not have time to set up.
I play basketball and know the terms!!!
Hope this helps, since I didn't get the descriptions in the answer....