Respuesta :
The five skills of language (also known as the four skills of language learning) are a set of four capabilities that allow an individual to comprehend and produce spoken language for proper and effective interpersonal communication. These skills are Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing.
1-Listening -You should understand the main ideas of most speech in a standard dialect. You should demonstrate an emerging awareness of culturally implied meanings beyond the surface meanings of the text.
2-Speaking -You should be understood without difficulty by natives, and converse in a clear and participatory fashion. You should be able to initiate, sustain, and bring closure to a wide variety of communicative tasks. You should be able to narrate and describe concrete and abstract topics using sustained, connected discourse.
3-Reading -You should easily follow the essential points of written text. You should be able to understand parts of texts which are conceptually abstract and linguistically complex.
4-Writing -You should be able to address a variety of topics with significant precision and detail. You should be able to write competently about topics relating to particular interests and write clearly about special fields of competence. You should be able to organize writings with a sense of theoretical structure.
5-Cultural awareness -Someone's cultural awareness is their understanding of the differences between themselves and people from other countries or other backgrounds, especially differences in attitudes and values. ... programs to promote diversity and cultural awareness within the industry.