Respuesta :
uh... i dont really know the meaning but i would get away from it???
Your the main character in a horror movie my guy.
Did you notice the ethnicity or race of the ghost? Every culture has their own view on black clothing. However, in the west, black clothing symbolizes fear, death, mourning, or a lack of power.
Ask her about how she died. She might want to sit down and talk to you about it. If she's wearing the dress to symbolize a lack of power she may have been abused and wants revenge. Maybe she likes to scare people like Spooky, from Spooky's Jump Scare Mansion. Or maybe she's just sad and needs a hug.
All in all, go to any loud noises you hear, don't tell your parents, and stay in the house at all costs. If you leave the ghost might get sad or lonely.