From the Dark Tower - paradox of social injustice, uses set meter and rhyme scheme, symbol of wasted efforts
I, Too - references a Walt Whitman work, uses free verse
Langston Hughes and Countee Cullen were very significant poets who belonged to the Harlem Renaissance movement.
Cullen's poem From the Dark Tower tells about the paradox of social injustice. White people have always oppressed African Americans, and this is present in the given poem as well. African Americans are the ones doing the work, and white people don't allow them to be rewarded for their effort. This is why their efforts are wasted.
It's written in a set meter called iambic pentameter. The rhyme scheme is abab.
I, Too references Whitman's poem called I Hear America Singing. It's written using free verse. This is why it doesn't have a set meter or rhyme, unlike From the Dark Tower.