
Bacteria, also called pers are microscopic or not visible with the naked eye Bacteria are
everywhere both inside and outside of your body. Bacteria can live in a variety of environments from hot
water to lice. Some bacters are good for you, while others can make you sick
True or robe
Virus A microorganism that is smaller than a bacterium that cannot grow or reproduce apart from a living
Coll A virus invades living colls and their chemical machinery to keep itself alive and to replicate
3. Answer
Pick the correct way to wash your beads
* Use warm or cold (not hot water when you wish your hands
Work up some later on both sides of your hands front and back!), make sure to do your wrists,
and between your fingers. Don't forget to wash around your nails
Wash for about 10 to 15 seconds
Rinse and dry well with a clean towel
Use warm or cold (not hot air when you wash your feet
Use dirt
Work up some other on both sides of your feet (front and back!), make sure to do your neck, and
between your cars. Don't forget to wash around your nails
Wash for about 100 to 150 seconds
Rinse and dry well with a clean cat.
Use warm or cold (not hot air when you wash your tongue
Use rocks
Work up some later on both sides of your tongue front and back!), make sure to do your tongue,
and between your teeth. Don't forget to wash around your tails
Wash for about 1000 to 1500 seconds
Rinse and dry well with a clean wall.
d. None of the above
Pick the correct way to brush and care for your
Use a hairbrush with soft bristles (You should change your hairbrush every 3 10 4 years). Brush
all surfaces of your head-outer, inner and top for 24 minutes. Hold the hairbrush at a 180 degree
angle.. Brush away from your neck. Brush your hair See a doctor Use hair gel with fluoride.
b. Use a toothbrush with soft bristles. (You should change your toothbrush every 3 to 4 months)
Brush all surfaces of your teeth-outer, inner and top for 2 minutes. Hold the toothbrush at a 45
degree angle Brush away from your gums. Brush your tongue. See a dentist twice a year Use
toothpaste with fluoride. Don't smoke or use tobacco
c. None of the Above
True or False
The correct way to tloss your teeth is tos
Use 18 inches of dental floss waked or unwaxed
Gently move the floss up and down between your teeth
Ai the gum line curve the floss around each tooth and glide it up and down
Unwind and use a clean section of flows for each tooth,

Respuesta :


However, except virus, all others form colonies, that consists of millions of cell aggregates in a relatively small space. They are visible as clusters of many many cells, but not as independent units.

By viewing under ordinary microscope ( 100 magnification), you can visualize the cells of molds.


The eye's the limit (except in one case). Yes. Most bacteria are too small to be seen without a microscope, but in 1999 scientists working off the coast of Namibia discovered a bacterium called Thiomargarita namibiensis (sulfur pearl of Namibia) whose individual cells can grow up to 0.75mm wide.

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