A member of the legislature, Dr.Joseph Guillotine had introduced the guillotine as a more humane method of beheading than the uncertain ax. But the guillotine quickly became a symbol of horror True or false

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The guillotine was, in fact, created by Dr. Joseph Guillotine, however, it did not become a symbol of horror, but the symbol of allowing convicts to be entitled to a death without torture.

Dr. Joseph Guillotine idealized the guillotine during the Enlightenment, when the methods of condemning accused of crime were carried out in a torturous manner and which caused a slow and very agonizing death. These methods began to be questioned, claiming that they diminished the right of a living being. In this case, Dr. Joseph Guillotine created the guillotine as a form of quick and painless death, as the condemned had their heads cut off quickly. This initiated a series of attempts to install a justice system where the right to life was maintained and those convicted of crimes went through a process of re-education and resocialization, instead of being executed.