Content Questions

Why were Europeans exploring new lands in the 15th Century?
Give an example of how Russians and other Europeans gathered scientific and geographic information about Alaska.
Why did Russia establish a colony in Alaska?
Why and how did the Russian Orthodox mission to Alaska help Alaska's Native people?
Why did Russia sell its American colony?

Critical Thinking Question

Why did Europeans view the indigenous peoples they encountered as inferior?
Pretend that you are an Aleut seal hunter. Write one or two paragraph(s) describing your life after interactions with Europeans. Make sure to answer all of the questions below in your paragraph.
What is your first impression of the Europeans?
How do the Europeans treat you?
Do you like he Europeans? Why or why not?
How is your life different than it was before the Europeans came to Alaska?
3. Do you think it was a good idea for Russia to sell Alaska? Why or why not? Your answer should be four sentences and include details to illustrate your position.

Respuesta :

Answer:  Continue to acknowledge that, as the child’s first teacher, the parent plays a critical role in the partnership between home and school in

developing an appreciation for history, local knowledge and the acceptance of varying cultures and perspectives.

 Implement programs that emphasize connections between social studies and the importance of reading, writing, speaking, listening, and

critical thinking

 Use a wide range of age-appropriate instructional materials, strategies, and practices that are both complex as well as developmentally


 Acknowledge that all teachers, including content area specialists, are responsible for developing literacy skills

 Provide students with the necessary skills to be college and career ready

 Develop mapping skills

 Develop meaningful lessons and units that encourage and foster historical thinking

 Teach connections between past and present

 Provide explicit exposure to, and practice with academic vocabulary, content specific reading, and opportunities to write through a

social studies’ lens