Lines 20–23: What details does Soueif provide about why she decides to return to the site of the protest? What can you infer about Soueif’s reasons based on these details?

Respuesta :

This question is about "Cairo: My City, Our Revolution" by Ahdaf Soueif

Answer and Explanation:

1. She decided to return to the protest site because she had sounded like him and wanted to write about the revolution that was taking place in Cairo, but she did not want to write from afar, as an observer, but from close up. She wanted to feel what was going on and have the experience live, so she could write an honest and correct book, showing what really happened and how it happened.

2. Looking at her motives, we can infer that not only is she a very committed and able writer to spread a correct and clear message, but she was a strong activist and wanted to do everything possible to help the revolutionaries.