To preserve the original format of the answer, I've added it as an attachment
This line defines the function
int countWords(const char ptr){
This line initializes number of words to 0
int words = 0;
The following iteration is repeated until the last character in the argument is reached
while(*(ptr) != \0){
This checks if current character is blank
if(*ptr== ){
If yes, then it increments number of words by 1
This moves the pointer to the next character
This returns the number of words in the argument
return words+1;
The main begins here
int main() {
This declares user input as a character of 200 length
char userinput[200];
This prompts user for input
cout << Enter a string: (200 max): ;
This gets user input
cin.getline(userinput, 200);
This passes the c-string to the function and also prints the number of words
cout << There are << countWords(userinput)<< words;