
B. Write each sentence. Underline the verb or verbs in each sentence.
Example: Sculptors design large works for outdoor use.
Sculptors design large works for outdoor use.
11. Rain, snow, heat, and cold can damage outdoor
12. A green color forms on bronze and copper statues.
13. The copper Statue of Liberty has turned green.
14. People rub some bronze statues for luck.
15. The human touch may keep parts of such statues
bright for years.
16. The gold on some statues can fade with time.
17. Artists sometimes freshen the statues with new
coats of gold.
18. In time, rain harms even stone and marble statues.
19. Sculptors today protect statues from the weather.
20. Sometimes people move statues indoors.
21. Some statues, however, must remain outdoors.
Egyptian desert.
22. The Great Sphinx in Giza is a huge statue in the
23. Workers built it more than 4,500 years ago.
24. This statue has a lion's body and a human face.
25. The Sphinx has suffered weather damage.

Respuesta :

damage, forms, turned, rub, touch, fade, freshen, rain, protect, move, remain, is, built, has, and suffered. all action words