Which sentence BEST summarizes paragraph 4? in A Touch of Glass
by Mia Soto
As a result of this new technique, glass objects of many sizes and shapes could be made quickly. Ordinary people, not just the very rich, could now purchase glass. Early glassmakers figured out how to make colored glass by adding different ingredients. They learned how to make beautiful cameos. To make a cameo, the glassmaker encloses a glass object in layers of colored glass, and then cuts designs into the layers. Cameo glass was made all over the Roman Empire, as well as in China. The Roman Empire encouraged the production of beautiful and functional glass objects.
All of the glassmakers in Venice were sent to the island of Murano to make Cameo glass.
The many properties of glass make it a unique commodity that was available to just the very rich.
The Roman Empire developed the technique of glassblowing and perfected its production in Venice.
Early glassmakers were able to use the glassblowing technique to design and create beautiful glass at a more reasonable price.