Directions: Write a testable hypothesis in if…then…format for each of the following research problems. Identify the manipulated variable and the responding variable for each.

HINT: If (fill in manipulated variable), then (fill in responding variable)

6. What effect does high temperature have on radish germination?
Manipulated variable: ________________________________________________________________________
Responding variable: ________________________________________________________________________
7. What effect does studying with music have on student test scores?
Manipulated variable: ________________________________________________________________________
Responding variable: ________________________________________________________________________
8. What effect does food color have on the amount of food fish eat?
Manipulated variable: ________________________________________________________________________
Responding variable: ________________________________________________________________________
9. What effect does light have on plant growth?
Manipulated variable: ________________________________________________________________________
Responding variable: ________________________________________________________________________
10. What effect does smiling have on teacher giving no homework?
Manipulated variable: ________________________________________________________________________
Responding variable: ________________________________________________________________________

Respuesta :


6.It is concluded that while high temperature has an unfavourable effect on seed set of radish plants, it also weakens the incompatibility reaction between pollen and style, so that the result is a small increase in yield.

7.The result of the study showed that music with a higher intensity is more distracting and has a greater effect on task performance and concentration. The result helped formulate the Attention Drainage Effect theory, which is based on Kahneman's (1973) capacity model of attention

8. If the food is more colorful then the fish will eat more because they're more interested in the colors

9.If plants do not receive enough light, they will not grow at their maximum rate or reach their maximum potential, regardless of how much of any other variable – water, growth medium or fertiliser – they receive. Light is the driving force for photosynthesis, a plant process that changes sunlight into chemical energy. Plants need five things in order to grow: sunlight, proper temperature, moisture, air, and nutrients. These five things are provided by the natural or artificial environments where the plants live. If any of these elements are missing they can limit plant growth.

The independent (or manipulated) variable is something that the experimenter purposely changes or varies over the course of the investigation. The dependent (or responding) variable is the one that is observed and likely changes in response to the independent variable.

10.What effect does smiling have on a teacher giving no homework.  


If a student smiles at teacher, then no homework will be assigned

independent variable is smiling

dependent variable is homework



#1 If the temperature is increased then radish germination will increase.

Independent variable: temperature

Dependent variable: radish germination

#2 if students study with music then their test scores will increase

Independent variable: Music

Dependent variable: student test scores

#3 if fish food is red than fish will eat more

Independent variable: fish food color

Dependent variable: amount of food eaten

#4 if the amount of sunlight is increased then plants will grow larger

Independent variable: amount of sunlight

Dependent variable: Plant size

#5 if students smile more then the teacher will assign less homework

Independent variable: Students smiling

Dependent variable: Amount of homework

I'm sorry but this question has no more space but i hope i helped this took a long time to type out. :)