Collision Lab
This activity will help you meet these educational goals:

You will explain or predict phenomena by exploring qualitative relationships between variables.
You will use positive and negative numbers to represent quantities in real-world contexts.
Read the instructions for this self-checked activity. Type in your response to each question, and check your answers. At the end of the activity, write a brief evaluation of your work.
Open this collision simulator and click Introduction. You’ll use the simulator to explore and compare elastic collisions and inelastic collisions. The mass and starting velocity of the colliding objects are kept constant. Follow the instructions in each part, and then answer the questions that follow. Use the math review if you need help with adding and subtracting negative numbers.

Question 1: Elastic Collisions
In this question, you will investigate elastic (bouncy) collisions. Be sure that the slider is to the extreme right (elasticity 100%).

Part A
Click Show Values in the upper-right corner. Study the boxes on the screen. What are the mass and initial velocity of ball 1 and ball 2?


Part B
Part B
Click Play, and watch the balls collide. Then click Pause. What are the final velocities of ball 1 and ball 2?

The number line shows the starting and ending velocities for ball 1. What’s the change in velocity of ball 1? Calculate the value mathematically, and check it using the number line.

a number line showing an ending velocity of -0.50 meter/second and a starting velocity of 1.00 meter/second

Respuesta :


Ball 1 has a mass of 0.5 kilogram and an initial velocity of 1.00 meter/second. Ball 2 has a mass of 1.5 kg and an initial velocity of 0.00 meters/second.



Ball 1 has a mass of 0.5 kilogram and an initial velocity of 1.00 meter/second. Ball 2 has a mass of 1.5 kg and an initial velocity of 0.00 meters/second.
