The Civil War was inarguably fought over slavery but slavery had existed in the United States since 1619. Why did war break out over slavery in 1861, two hundred and thirty-three years after the first slaves arrived?

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The war break out over slavery as a result of the President quest to end slave trading and ownership of slaves. His ambition is based on the US fundamental motto which states that: "All men are created equal and has equal alienable rights to life, happiness.....". To him, if the motto states that all men are created equal, then what is the reason for owning slaves and people who they bought with their money.

This idea didn't seat well with most States hence the reason they decided to separate from the Union and form their own republic. Of course, this led to war in-order to maintain the unity of the United States of America.


The Civil War break out in 1861 due to some reasons. They are;

  • The election of Abraham Lincoln, who was a key member of the anti-slavery Republican Party, as president in 1860 fueled the secession of 11 Southern states, thereby leading to a civil war.

  • The Civil War began due to difficult differences that arises between between the free and slave states over the power of the national government to put an end/stop slavery in the territories that had not yet become states.

The event that also fueled the war came at Fort Sumter in Charleston Bay on April 12, 1861.

The President wanted by all means to end slave trading and ownership of slaves as He believes all Americans are equal.

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