After the Conference of Milan and the announcement that oral education was superior to manualism, sign language was suppressed. In our modern times, can you think of an idea or philosophy that might be considered suppressed just like sign language was? Why is it being “thrown aside”? Do you think it should become (or return to being) a force in mainstream society?

Respuesta :

In our modern times, I can't really think of an idea or philosophy that might be considered suppressed just like sign language was.

  • However, I can say that in medical schools, alternative medicine or herbal medicine such as homeopathy has not been recognized as something valid.
  • This means that mainstream science has denied homeopathy as a true method to heal people.

  • I think sign language was “thrown aside” because people are insensible to other people's necessities. That is being selfish.
  • That is why I think it should become a force in mainstream society.

  • People are people, no matter they cannot speak or they are deaf. They are human beings with necessities and they need respect and consideration.
  • Sign people can help individuals to communicate with each other, that is why it needs to be part of what we learn in school.

We conclude that although after the Conference of Milan sign language was suppressed., it needs to be back as part of the programs taught in school.

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