What does the following loop do? val = 0 total = 0 while (val < 10): val = val + 1 total = total + val print( total)

print(total) => 45
# smells like Python...
val = 0 #initialize incrementor named 'val' at 0.
total = 0 #initilize accumulator named 'total' at 0.
while (val < 10): #look to execute while val is less than 10.
val = val + 1 #increment val (val++) by 1
total = total + val #increment total by val (val+=total)
# Step: val = 0
## val => 1, total => 1
# Step: val = 1
## val => 2, total => 3
# Step: val = 2
## val => 3, total => 5
# Step: val = 3
## val => 4, total => 9
# Step: val = 4
## val => 5, total => 14
# Step: val = 5
## val => 6, total => 20
# Step: val = 6
## val => 7, total => 27
# Step: val = 8
## val => 9, total => 36
# Step: val = 9
## val => 10 (END_LOOP), total => 45
print(total) #print variable 'total'