Respuesta :

Answer:which bases pair together during transcription-Adenine and thymine form base pairs that are held together by two bonds, while cytosine and guanine form base pairs that are held together by three bonds.why is base pairing used during transcription-By virtue of complementary base- pairing, this action creates a new strand of mRNA that is organized in the 5' to 3' direction. As the RNA polymerase continues down the strand of DNA, more nucleotides are added to the mRNA, thereby forming a progressively longer chain of nucleotides. what determines the shape and properties of a protein- Peptide Bonds

The sequence and the number of amino acids ultimately determine the protein's shape, size, and function. Each amino acid is attached to another amino acid by a covalent bond, known as a peptide bond. what is a codon-a sequence of three nucleotides which together form a unit of genetic code in a DNA or RNA many possible codons exist in the genetic code-64 codons.what are the functions of the codons- The function of a codon is to code for amino acids. During transcription, DNA is copied to mRNA.does each amino acid have one specific codon-Because there are only 20 different amino acids but 64 possible codons, most amino acids are indicated by more than one codon. (Note, however, that each codon represents only one amino acid or stop codon.)
