Hamlet telling the actors how to play the scenes at the start of Scene 2 adds to the development of the play mainly by fill in the blank___________.

Answer choices for the above question

A. poking fun at Hamlet’s inability to act while he acts mad

B. suggesting that Hamlet is the best actor onstage

C. revealing the depths of Hamlet’s insanity

D. revealing how important his acting is to the play that will trick the king

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Answer: B.

Explanation: by directing others on how to perform, it seems like he thinks he’s better actor and can give them tips.0

Hamlet telling the actors how to play the scenes at the start of Scene 2 adds to the development of the play mainly by D. revealing how important his acting is to the play that will trick the king.

Before the play began, Hamlet spoke to the players. He stated that "speak the speech, I pray you, as you pronounced it to you, trippingly on the tongue"

The play was performed because it'll be an opportunity for Hamlet to gauge the reaction of Claudius to the fictitious murder.

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