1. What types of geological events or changes occur at divergent plate boundaries?
2. What types of geological events or changes occur at convergent plate boundaries?
3. What types of geological events or changes occur at transform plate boundaries?
4. Explain how these geological processes and interactions have changed Earth's surface through the years. Be sure to use evidence to support your answer.
5. What types of geological events or changes occur at divergent plate boundaries?

Respuesta :

There are three types of plate boundaries such as divergent(constructive), convergent (destructive) and transform (shear) plate boundary.

  • The divergent plate boundary marks the splitting or diverging boundary and is characterized by spreading and moving away of plates from the mid-oceanic ridges located in the Atlantic ocean.
  • The geologic events that occur at a convergent boundary are earthquakes and volcanism, along with the formation of faults and mountain ranges. Since its the zone of destruction of tectonic plates.
  • The transform plate boundary marks the shear sliding past of me plate boundary with another. That is left-to-right movement along the faults. The geologic events include shallow earthquakes and large displacement of rocks.
  • These geologic processes are responsible for shaping the present landforms on the planet. The formation of the Himalayas is a product of the collision of continental-continental plates. The formation of the red sea is due to the breaking of crustal rocks and rift formation in eastern Africa.
  • Geologic events that occur at the divergent plate boundaries are the upwelling of magma and earthquakes.

Learn more about the geologic processes and landform changes that take place.



There are three types of plate boundaries such as divergent(constructive), convergent (destructive) and transform (shear) plate boundary.

The divergent plate boundary marks the splitting or diverging boundary and is characterized by spreading and moving away of plates from the mid-oceanic ridges located in the Atlantic ocean.

The geologic events that occur at a convergent boundary are earthquakes and volcanism, along with the formation of faults and mountain ranges. Since its the zone of destruction of tectonic plates.

The transform plate boundary marks the shear sliding past of me plate boundary with another. That is left-to-right movement along the faults. The geologic events include shallow earthquakes and large displacement of rocks.

These geologic processes are responsible for shaping the present landforms on the planet. The formation of the Himalayas is a product of the collision of continental-continental plates. The formation of the red sea is due to the breaking of crustal rocks and rift formation in eastern Africa.

Geologic events that occur at the divergent plate boundaries are the upwelling of magma and earthquakes.