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Treatment Plans

Your treatment plan for diabetes is determined on an individual level and depends on the type of diabetes you have. As knowing about this disease is the key to managing it, your plan will often include a deep discussion of diabetes information, including how to best manage it and how to steer clear of major complications. Though there are high-tech, new diabetic treatments and even some holistic approaches, make sure your doctor is up-to-speed on any alternative treatment option you pursue. You may need to see a specialist called an endocrinologist. This doctor focuses on treating hormone issues and can help you learn more about regulating your insulin.

Type 1 Treatments

If you have Type 1 diabetes, your treatment plan will include insulin shots, usually administered via special pens that inject the substance into your body. These must be taken continuously for you to survive. While a cure is available in the form of a pancreas transplant or an islet cell transplant, these are complicated and costly procedures that are rarely recommended.

Type 2 Treatments

For Type 2 diabetes, a first course of treatment will typically be a lifestyle adjustment. Eating whole foods and fewer carbohydrates, engaging in routine exercise and avoiding unhealthy habits is a great place to start. If these changes occur and your blood glucose levels still aren't where they should be, your doctor may require medication for further treatment.

That's all I could find on it, I'm sorry.

I also apologize for how long this is.


In the worst stages usually fingers and toes are falling off due to lack of blood flow. So immediate insulin shots, regulated and amputation are common. Oral medications are also used. Heart-attacks, Kidney failure and blindness could also happen, so dialysis could help too.