Through this statement, Tom is stating the tyranny slaves suffer under their master's, under the law of America, under the very presence of Church, bride of Christ itself.
'Uncle Tom's Cabin' is a novel written by Harriet Beecher Stowe. The novel is about the titular character, Uncle Tom.
The given quote is taken from this novel, from Chapter 40. The incident that preceedes this quote is when Tom was being beaten mercilessly by his master Legree because Tom refused to reveal whereabouts of Cassy and Emmeline. Tom agrees to die than to betray Cassy and Emmeline.
When Legree orders his overseers, Sambo and Quimbo, to beat Tom unto death. When Tom confronts Legree of his sins and wrongdoings, Legree pauses for a minute and this makes him more angry. At this point Tom speaks these words that people have nerve or courage to do evil, but do not have courage to hear of their evil deeds. Then he laments over his country, who is bearing such cruelity under the very laws which makes all people 'equal' yet slaves nothing.