
Moctezuma II ruled over

1. The Aztecs as king near the beginning of the eighteenth century.
2. The Incas as king near the beginning of the sixteenth century.
3. The Aztecs as king near the beginning of the sixteenth century.
4. The Spanish as king near the beginning of the sixteenth century.

Respuesta :


The Aztecs, as king near the beggining of the 15th century actually. Moctezuma Xocoyotzin II or Moctezuma II, was the ninth Ruler of Aztec kind. He used to be a mere General Under His Uncle. He Participated in many military compaigns, in the end they gave him experience that was nessasary for him to reign. His Reign Started at 1502 and ended at 1520. He was born into a royal family in 1466, He died June 30th 1520. Go with Aztecs 16th its the closest to his death. I have More info on him if you need it but you can stop here.

Alright Continuing on him. (i find history interesting ok?)

His Mother was Xcochicueyeti and His Father was Axayacatl (not gonna do backround info)

He Had 4 Children, 2 Daughters and 2 Sons.

His Kids Names were María Xipaguzin Moctezuma, Isabel Moctezuma, Tlaltecatzin Moctezuma, and Chimalpopoca Moctezuma. Later, after Being attacked my a spanish Party Tlatecatzin and chimalpopoca were killed. In Doing So Isabel was expected the throne. Marìa doesnt have much info on her though. Thats all i know review my lesson if you need any Aztec info