Respuesta :
Probably you should just do something nice for her and see if she does something back to you. If she doesn't then she isn't interested in you. But if she does something nice, she is definitely into you!
Well I feel like you would just try to start a conversation and then get that some where in there and if she rejects you then it is her loss. Maybe the conversation could be about people she likes. If she specifically answers another guy that you know than I don't think that it would be a good idea to tell her your feelings. Another bad scenario that could happen is that she describes him as a mysterious person than don't automatically say/think that it is you. If it end up being you then you know that your did good but if not at least you played it safe. Or another idea could be a truth or dare game (probably on text). I really hope it goes better for you than all my brainly answers deleted. If you decide to stay friends in case she rejects then you could just laugh it off in the future. well if you get rejected it is not easy but you have to let her go(lose feelings for her).