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France first colonized Canada because of the fur trade.
When the Spanish discovered the Americas, the word about it quickly spread across Europe. Fearing that the Spanish may occupy the entire territory and gain a huge advanatge over them, the other naval powers of Europe were quick to react and sent their own expeditions with the purpose to create their own colonies. One of those countries was France.
France first focused on colonizing what is now Canada. While it did not colonize the entire territory of modern-day Canada, it did manage to get the strategically important areas in southern Canada and southeastern Canada. While the other colonial powers had their focus on creating large plantations with cash crops, the French were not in such a situation to be able to profit from it because of Canada's climate, so they focused on something else that was in high demand and paid well, fur. Canada had an abundance of animals that had highly valuable fur on the market, so the French played wisely and made good relations with the locals which hunted the animals for them in exchange for other goods.