The scatter plot shows the hard drive capacities (in gigabytes)
and the price in dollars) of 10 laptops.
a. What is the price of the laptop with a hard drive of 8
b. What is the hard drive capacity of the $1200 laptop?
c. What tends to happen to the price as the hard drive capacity
The price of the laptop

The scatter plot shows the hard drive capacities in gigabytes and the price in dollars of 10 laptops a What is the price of the laptop with a hard drive of 8 gi class=

Respuesta :


a. From the scatter plot, the price for the laptop with a hard drive of 8 gigabytes = $1,100

b. From the scatter plot, the hard drive capacity of the $1,200 laptop = 12 gigabytes

c. As seen in the scatter plot, as the hard drive capacity increases, the price of the laptop increases

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