3. What is the difference between the importance of English and the importance of Filipino language to the Filipino nation?

Respuesta :


English and Tagalog are completely unrelated languages. English is a Germanic language in the Indo-European family. Tagalog is a Philippine language in the Austronesian family. Grammatically and phonologically they are quite different.


The importance of the english language to the Filipinos is mirrored through the global competitiveness of the country. We interact with other countries because we negiotiate with them everyday. Our businesses and trade with foreigners would be useless without the use of a common mode of communication which all parties could understand--and that is english, the universal language.


The importance of the Filipino language--our language--is a completely different matter. We use the national laguage Filipino because it is the common ground of ALL sons and daughters of the Philippine nation. Before we learn to interact and adapt to the rest of the world, we first must have harmony among ourselves and understand each other. That is through the use of Filipino.