Respuesta :
When I think of the time when I was a student. How to go to ...
Oh dad, don't go on anymore, you always start talking about the past with your strange schedules. Is it true that you had to go to school in the morning and also in the afternoon?
Yes, Pedro, but not only that, since we didn't have the Internet to help us with our homework, we had to use encyclopedias.
Something like Wikipedia?
Yes, but to find the words you had to search alphabetically. For you, everything is easy. For each question it was a long time searching for answers.
Oh, that was difficult, I'm happy to be born in this time, when everything is easier.
But that's not all, we were not allowed to use calculators either. To do the math you had to use your head and wait for inspiration.
Without calculators, I die! Math is not something I enjoy, so it is great to have all this help in this modern world. Thanks for your comments, Dad, now I am so much happier to be a high school student these days!
Comprehension questions: (Please number your answers in the space provided below. Your answers must be full sentences in Spanish)
What is dad talking about?
What was dad's schedule like when he was a student?
What is the child's name?
What does Pedro compare Wikipedia to?
Why is Pedro happy?