knee extension is the muscle function that will be difficult to perform.
Barb was kicked in the anterior thigh. Now, the thigh muscles performs a combined operation of moving the knee and leg and they reside in the following compartments.
- Anterior compartment which is composed of knee joint extension and thigh flexion.
- Lateral Compartment which is composed of the tensor fasciae latae, which is a tiny muscle that abducts and centrally will make the thigh to rotate.
-Medial compartment which involves thigh addiction which is rotating of the thigh around the hips.
- Posterior compartment which involves knee joint flexion and high extension.
Thus, from the different compartments listed above, we can see that the muscles that extend the knee and flex the thigh all lie in the anterior compartment of the upper leg.
Thus, we can conclude that knee extension is the muscle function that will be difficult to perform.