2. Acids turn
acid in the stomach.
litmus red.
acid is used in the manufacture of explosives.
Reaction between an
acid and a base is called
5. Milk of magnesia helps to neutralize
State 'True' or 'False'.
1. Bases are sourin taste and corrode metals.
2. Nitricacid turns red litmus blue.
3. Sting ofan antcontains acetic acid.
4. Indicators change their colourin acids and bases.
5. Saltis used in preserving pickles.
D Answer in 5-6 sentences.
1. What is neutralization reaction? State various applications of neutralization
2. Write down the properties and uses of bases.
3. What are antacids? Give some examples.
4. Define a salt. Write it's properties and uses.
5. What are indicators? Write about any two indicators.