Iti wrote this paragraph about what she and her friends like to do. But she forgot to use full
stops. Put full stops, where necessary, so that her paragraph makes sense. Don't forget to
put the first letter of the word after the full stop in capital letters.
Romesh, Yusuf and I love to sit on the rocks near the stream and watch the fish swim
around sometimes we throw in very small pieces of chapati dough and watch the fish
gobble them up the fish in the stream are dark in colour or grey or pale pink they are not
like the orange fish we see in the glass boxes in our school​

Respuesta :


En el text  

puntosnosgualy s aón como comiacutun pgnos desi tan bastanteslaf


Romesh, Yusuf and I love to sit on the rocks near the stream and watch the fish swim around. Sometimes we throw in very small pieces of chapati dough and watch the fish gobble them up. The fish in the stream are dark in colour or grey or pale pink. They are not like the orange fish we see in the glass boxes in our school​


Sentence is a complete thought made out of words. Full sentence conveys an idea; a declaration, question, exclamation or an order. Following sentences in a passage need to be connected to the previous one in order to make the train of thought meaningful.

However, separation is required whenever the focus of the sentence switches to another subject or event. Two sentences are separated with a full stop, question mark or an exclamation mark followed with a space. Next sentence starts with capital letter.