Diana chose to change Atalanta and Hippomenes into lions and not any other animals because it resembles their human characteristics.
'The Golden Apple' in Greek mythology is a story of a young maiden named Atalanta, who was swift and desired to remain single as she enjoyed roaming blissfully in the forest. But her beauty and swiftness won her many suitors. To keep her desire of remaining single, she came up with an idea that whoever will beat her in race will win her in marriage, but no one except Hippomenes was able to beat her in the race. Hippomenes was able to over-run Atalanta in race as he asked for help from the goddess of Venus, who gave him three golden apples. But Hippomenes forgot to thank Venus goddess, and in her rage, she requuested goddess Diana to punish them.
So, Diana punished them but taking away their human form and giving them the form of lion. Diana turned Atalanta and Hippomenes into lions and not any other animal because their human character matched with lions character –swift and hunters.