Respuesta :
If it is a surprise then let it go
But if they are lying for something else it might be for a good reason.
It really depends
Sometimes it's better to not know and sometimes it's better to know. Sit down with them and have a talk, try asking one last time. But if they don't want to tell u even then, it's probably best to let it go, for now at least. U don't want to end up damaging ur relationship by being to pushy. You can only hope that whatever they're keeping from u is for ur own good, maybe it's because ur too young? Maybe they don't want u to be burdened by it. Maybe it's some bad news, maybe it's good. I feel like u should really go with ur instincts. If it impacts ur life, u have the right to know, try telling them that. Maybe they'll tell u then. If u were to take anything from this long paragraph I wrote, follow ur instincts. Good luck :)