in a well-developed response of at least one paragraph, explain why the author of "climate change in Hawaii and us tropical islands "wrote the text. then identify one central idea in the peace and analyze how the writer makes connections between events and ideas within the article

Respuesta :


It isn’t invisible. It isn’t abstract. It isn’t far off in the future, or far off in a different country. Climate change is here. It’s not only in the Arctic Circle, or barrier reefs, but on the farm. And it has the potential to make your next masked trip to the grocery store even more uncomfortable. If climate change goes unaddressed, food prices could rise, availability could drop and the consequence, especially for those that are most vulnerable, could be limited access to food. But progress is being made. Farmers and scientists are working together to help mitigate the effects of climate change, help make farms more resilient, and keep our food supply affordable and reliable.




It isn’t invisible. It isn’t abstract. It isn’t far off in the future, or far off in a different country. Climate change is here. It’s not only in the Arctic Circle, or barrier reefs, but on the farm. And it has the potential to make your next masked trip to the grocery store even more uncomfortable. If climate change goes unaddressed, food prices could rise, availability could drop and the consequence, especially for those that are most vulnerable, could be limited access to food. But progress is being made. Farmers and scientists are working together to help mitigate the effects of climate change, help make farms more resilient, and keep our food supply affordable and reliable.
