Please include the following in your lista de mandatos formales:
You will write four sentences in Spanish, using formal commands that you as a doctor or dentist use with your patients. Remember to keep your sentences short and simple and use only vocabulary, culture, and grammar you have learned in the course. You can look at the first page of this lesson for an example. You may also use the What to include in your rough draft table below to guide your answers.
This is the example we were given:
Imagine you are a doctor or a dentist in a Spanish-speaking country. In this lesson, you will plan a rough draft for una lista de mandatos formales that your patient might hear from you. You’ll write a final draft later. Check out Idalia’s lista de mandatos formales for her friend who had to visit the hospital.
En el hospital
Abra la boca para tomar su temperatura.
No mueva el brazo si le hacen los rayos x en el brazo.
No se mueva si le duele el brazo.
Descanse cuarenta y ocho horas después de su visita al hospital.

Can someone help me come up with something similar but a list of commands for what to do at the dentist?

Respuesta :

1. Abra la boca para cotejar sus dientes.
2. No se mueva al ponerle anestesia.
3. Utilice los medicamentos si le da dolor.
4. Coma solo alimentos líquidos por 24 horas.
Universidad de Mexico