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Sports figures and celebrities are positive role models.
We have always cherished sportsperson and celebrities for the difficult work they put in to obtain accomplishment. They are pretty disciplined, whether in the duration of the diet they consume or the exercise management they obey to remain in fitness. They are pretty professional in their job as well.
People continuously try to obey the food consumption practices of these athletes and personalities. People admire and look up to these influential people as role models. They maintain the features which one would want to have. Thus, they influence to be better people. Sustain a healthful lifestyle, keep training, and improving in the fields we want to achieve.
i am the saving grace
We have always admired sportsperson and celebrities for the hard work they put in to achieve success. A positive role model can help kids grow into successful adults. Celebrities and athletes can influence kids and teens' lives, which is not necessarily a bad thing. Celebrities can inspire kids to make better decisions, do better in school, and have more self-confidence.
First of all, celebrities may motivate teens to make better choices. In "Celebrities and Role Models," it states in paragraph 3, "...showed that when likable actors were used in anti-smoking ads, the campaigns were more successful in keeping teens from smoking." This shows that teens are able to make a life changing decision because of celebrities. The campaign either helped teens to stop smoking or encouraged them to not start at all. Smoking can cause all sorts of health problems so the teens that quit it because of their role model extended their life span. Another way is that celebrities can encourage kids to do better in school. In "Celebrities and Role Models," it states in paragraph 2, " Teens with positive role models were more likely to succeed, and had higher grades..." This means students could grow into more successful adults because of a positive influence. Good grades can make you feel better about yourself and feel like you have achieved success. This is can positively impact a student's wellbeing. The last way is that celebrities can cause a student's self-esteem to go up. In "Celebrities and Role Models," it states in paragraph 2, "...and had higher grades and better self-esteem than those without role models." Not only can role models help students to do better in school, but they can also higher a student's self-esteem. In school, kids are trying to fit in and try to be "cool". Sometimes kids may be depressed, but a positive figure in their life can help them feel comfortable and feel happier. This is extremely important in a kid's life.
While some celebrities are involved in scandals and made some mistakes in the past, it still doesn't mean they can't be a positive influence. In "Celebrities and Role Models," it says in paragraph 1, "People often focus on celebrities who are known for their bad behavior, but many celebrities display the kinds of traits that influence teens to grow into successful adults." Many people may focus on the bad things celebrities did in the past, but many have done good things. People make mistakes, especially in their younger days. What does it matter if a celebrity made a mistake in the past but have since then learned from it? The past is the past, as long as you learn from the mistake. It's not fair to the celebrity who made one mistake and suddenly everyone hates them. People overlook the positive things a celebrity has done and instead focus on that one thing they did that was bad.
In conclusion, celebrities can be viewed as positive figures. They influence many kids and teens to do better things, get higher grades, and make them feel happy. All in all, celebrities are a prominent figure in a kid's life and can influence them to grow to be an accomplished adult.