Respuesta :
Answer. The division of power between the Central and State Governments is done in a three fold distribution of legislative powers between the Union and the State Governments. There are three lists - Union List, State List and Concurrent List. The State Governments alone can make laws and decisions on these areas.
For the purpose of making laws, the subjects are divided into three lists :
(i) Union List : It includes subjects over which only the union government can make laws,
e.g.–defence, foreign affairs, currency etc.
(ii) State List : It contains those subjects over which the state governments have the powers
to make the laws, e.g. police, trade, irrigation, agriculture etc.
(iii) Concurrent List : It contains those subjects over which both the central and the state governments can make the laws but in case of a clash, it is the laws made by the Central government which will prevail.