Respuesta :
1. Developmental disorders of teeth, soft tissues, and craniofacial malformations e.g. cleft lip and palate. Developmental disorders :- 1-Teeth. 2- oral soft tissues 3- craniofacial Defects e.g. cleft lip and palate. (1) Teeth :- 1- Number 2- size 3- from (abnormalities of morophodiffrentiation. 4- Defects in tooth structure : Defects in histodiffrentiation . (1) Number :- (A) Hypodontia: when one or several teeth are missing . _ Anodontia : when there is complete absence of one or both dentitions. _ Hypodontia : is more common in permanent than deciduous dentition . _ more common in females .
2. _ may be symmetrical or habhazourd . _ primary teeth are unusual to be missing, but when tooth is missing usually permanent successor is also missing . _3rd molars, max lat incisors, mandibular 2nd pemolars are most frequently associated with symmetrical hypodontia . _max . Late. Incisor loss usually associated with hereditary trait. _ mutations in regulatory genes may result in tooth agenesis (e.g.: MSX1).
3. _ Severe hypodontia Anodontion is associated most frequently with :{hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia}. _ it is characterized by congenital absence of ectodermal structures. _ usually X-linked recessive trait . _ patients have smooth dry skin with fine scanty hairs and partial or total loss of sweat glands which lead to hyperthermia . Some patients have few deformed teeth with conical crowns .
4. (B) Hyperdontia :- (supernumerary teeth) _ more common in anterior and molar region of the maxilla followed by premolar region in the mandible . _ occasionally associated with other defect . _ more common in females . _relatively uncommon in primary dentition . _ mesiodense:- the most common supernumerary teeth between maxillary central incisors, the majority have conical crown and short roots.
5. Paramolar :- alongside max molars usually buccaly erupted. Distomolar :- develops distal to a third molar . Supernumerary teeth which resemble those of the normal series are called supplemental teeth but more are reduced in size . (2) Size :- Macrodontia $ microdontia : _ size of teeth $ jaws is influenced by genetic $environmental factors.terms macro and microdontia are used to describe teeth which are larger or smaller than normal. _ microdontia of the whole dentition may be associated with other defects e.g down syndrome, congenital heart disease .
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