Respuesta :

I'm pretty sure there are a lot but i'll name a couple such as:  

Abnormalities in size:

Macrodontia – large teeth

Microdontia – small teeth, including rudimentary teeth.

Anomalies affecting whole teeth:

Fusion – two teeth joined together from the fusion of adjacent tooth germs

Gemination – two teeth joined together but arising from a single tooth germ

Concrescence – two teeth joined together by cementum

Dens-in-dente (invaginated odontome) – infolding of the outer surface of a tooth into the interior usually in the cingulum pit region of maxillary lateral incisors.Such as:

Additional teeth (hyperdontia)

Localized hyperdontia

Supernumerary teeth

Supplemental teeth

• Hyperdontia associated with specific syndromes, e.g. cleidocranial dysplasia, Gardner’s syndrome.