The algorithm
Step 1: Start
Step 2: Input Radius
Step 3: While Radius < = 0
Input Radius
Step 4: Pi = 3.14
Step 5: Perimeter = 2 * Pi * Radius
Step 6: Area = Pi * r^2
Step 7: Print Area, Perimeter
Step 8: Stop
This indicates the start of the algorithm
Step 1: Start
This inputs the radius
Step 2: Input Radius
The following loop is repeated until user input for radius is greater than 0
Step 3: While Radius < = 0
Input Radius
This initializes Pi to 3.14
Step 4: Pi = 3.14
This calculates the Perimeter or Circumference
Step 5: Perimeter = 2 * Pi * Radius
This calculates the Area
Step 6: Area = Pi * r^2
This prints the calculated Perimeter ad Area
Step 7: Print Area, Perimeter
This indicates the end of the algorithm
Step 8: Stop
I've added the flowchart as an attachment