Which type of nonfiction writing is this passage an example of?

Tuesday, April 21, 1889 — Pa says tomorrow is going to be a big day. As we spend one final night on the Arkansas border, he explains over and over again what will happen. At noon tomorrow, the Oklahoma Indian territories will open and over 50,000 people will be allowed to enter. Pa says that, as the oldest girl, I'm responsible for helping Ma with the little one as he and my older brother ride ahead to claim our land. Even though entering the territory before the opening is forbidden, Pa and Henry snuck across last night and found a beautiful parcel of land about 10 miles in, right next to a river. Pa means to claim that land and build us a home. I hope he gets there first, but I'm afraid of some of the other people here. They are mean and Pa is such a gentle man. I worry that he'll be hurt if one of these men tries to steal the land Pa has claimed. I do believe Pa is right when he says tomorrow will be a big day.

A journal, because it contains information about what the writer experienced on a specific day.

A historical account, because it contains information about an event that happened to someone other than the writer

A journal, because it contains information about what the writer experienced over a long period of time

An autobiography, because it contains information about how the events of this day shaped the writer's life.