The function named buildArray that builds an array by appending a given number of random two-digit integers (10-99) and accept 2 parameters is represented below
import random
def buildArray(array, integer):
i = 0
while i < integer:
array.append(random.randint(10, 99))
i += 1
return array
print(buildArray([], 12))
The code is written in python.
A function is declared called buildArray. This function accept 2 parameters which are arrays and integer.
i is use to declare a variable assigned to zero.
while i is less than the integer(one of the parameter), random number between 10 and 99 is appended to the parameter array.
The value of i keeps on increasing until it becomes less than the integer.
The filled array is returned.
Finally, we call the function with the required parameters.
The bolded portion of the code are keywords in python.
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