
Listen up because this needs to be heard right now!!!!
Note: I am not directing this to any specific user/person I just stating this for you and anybody else's safety.

Please, please, please stop doing face reveals. You never know who is behind that computer screen . It could even be somebody x2 or x3 years older than you! By doing a "Face Reveal" you are endangering you, your family and your friends! If you decide to answer this question please do so in a kindly matter.
Q: What can we do as apart of the brainly community to stop these face reveals and slowly stop doing it anywhere that could endanger any human being? Please put thought into your answer! I will be giving out Brainly once 2 good answers have been given. And if they have already been answered please use the thumbs up emoji or thanks button to vote on who I should choose as brainliest! Thanks!