m v ´- MV = (m + M) v ’
If the astronaut initially has a speed v the satellite has a speed V, we can define a system that is formed by the two bodies, therefore the forces during the collision are internal, so the momentum is conserved
initial instant. Before the crash
p₀ = m v - MV
final instatne. After the crash, we have two cases
1) inelastic shock
m_f = (m + M) v '
p₀ = p_f
m v ´- MV = (m + M) v ’
2) elastic collision with the astronaut's velocity, zero in this case the moment remains
m v - MV = mv ’+ Mv’
also the kinetic energy is conserved
mv'2 + M V2 = mv'2 + m v'2
with these two equations we can find the speed of the cars